BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian desktop application > Understanding the shortcut menus

Understanding the shortcut menus

Meridian features shortcut menus that can be opened in the Navigation views and in the viewer window. These menus give you quicker access to the commands you use most without having to select them from the menu bar. The commands that are available are a subset of the commands on the regular menu for the selected object type. For example, shortcut menu shown for a document contains a subset of the commands that are shown on the Document menu. For descriptions of the commands, refer to the corresponding menu topic.

You open shortcut menus in the Navigation view by right-clicking the object or selection that you want to work with. You open a shortcut menu in the viewer window by right-clicking anywhere within the window. The shortcut menu of the viewer window lists different commands depending on the format of the selected document. This shortcut menu is not customizable.

See Setting personal options on how to customize the document, folder, and vault root shortcut menus to display the commands that you want.

Related concepts

Understanding navigation views

Understanding property pages

Understanding scopes

Related tasks

Selecting a scope

Related information

Navigation view icons

Understanding the command-line arguments

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